Tuesday, April 22, 2008

just the facts...

darry and I purchased our first home in 2003.  when we moved in, the yard looked awful.  the previous owner, also the original owner, landscaped the yard so that he would not have to work in it.  in otherwords, lots of gravel beds and plastic flowers as well as bushes that threatened to take over.  very little was done to make it look nice and we had our work cut out for us.  we quickly decided to add flower beds, an herb bed and a large vegetable garden.  unfortunately, i do not have any "before" photos to share, only things in progress now.  this past winter, we enrolled in the davidson county master gardeners program.  it is 16 classes that prepare you for gardening and landscaping on a better than amatuer level.  the program also requires volunteering as well as continuing education.  we attend any lectures we can, mostly done at association meetings and they are short and to the point.  last week end we attended a lecture on lasagna gardening and it was entertaining as well as informative.  fresh from the memories of the lecture, we decided to give it a go in a small bed just to see if it will really work.

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