Sunday, June 15, 2008

it was just slightly misty/foggy this morning after yesterday's rain.  the garden was thoroughly watered and we didn't have to man the hose this time!  as you can see, the tomatoes have grown considerably and many of the plants have begun to set fruit, i can't wait to try them!  my new favorite green, chard, is one of the best things to plant in the garden.  the seeds sprout easily, the plants grow quickly and do not bolt in the southern summer heat.  pictured is bright lights which comes in many colors from yellow to orange to red and many shades in between including hot pinks.  this plant looks like a candy cane to me, red and white stripes.  a new plant in our garden this year is the asparagus long bean, they have the prettiest flowers.  the vines are growing up the tee pee and we have the beginnings of many beans, we will be trying them out soon.  when the girls went to italy last summer with linda and mike, they brought me some packets of seeds.  one of those packets is a zucchini variety that we planted.  the plants have begun to bloom and i am sure the zucchini are coming soon.  the banana peppers are the first of the peppers to set fruit and we should be experiencing a crop soon.  we will be traveling to california this week so look for pictures from linda's garden to posted next!

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